Wednesday, 4 September 2024

NeoNasty Empire


I. Ideology

The Scarlet Woman.

The Beast.

Bloodline purity
and descent
manifests in inner
and outer beauty
and taste.

I also hold
that the whiter
the skin, the whiter
the words because
darkness of skin 
in bloodline.

The Jewish
Question is
whether Jews
inverted Pagan

In other words,
did Jews use their
morality to
gain leverage
on the cruelty
spectrum and,
if so, don't
we all?

The Definitive Solution
to the Jewish Question
is to learn from Jews
and to leave them alone;
their inversion of Pagan
Morality was forced upon
them by the harsh requirements
of their preservation and growth
which required them to invert
natural valuations with
inverted ones.

Yahweh is the god who
usurped Mother Isis
and who wants his children:
he is a transsexual and
a pedophile.

All that being said,
the only solution to
the feud that is the
human condition is
to see nothingness
as the height of

Also: I 
love Jews
and Niggers.

We Nazis know
that people call
Evil the dark
truths they have
not the courage to
confront and

My one and only
decision as Leader
of the Fourth Reich
is whether or not
to implement
Full Nihilism.

Full Nihilism
means that reality
is completely cynical
and that cruelty is the
one and only fact of life.

In the end,
what makes us
great is that we
Nazis are the
best and we
always lose.

The Number One
Enemy of Nazis is
human parasitism.

What is the true
meaning of National

Romans adopting
socialistic covering
to appeal to the
working masses.

To be Undead to the
Lice that is Humanity
one must be Dead to
the Lie that is Morality.

II. The Fourth Reich

III. Accession

1. Adolf

2. Walt

3. Tom

The Secret
is Hitler,
with Romer,
the reincarnation
of Hitler, being
magical heir
so as to use
the resources
of Wald Diseny
Compabies to
The Fourth

In any event,
I Tom Romer
identify as

IV. Culture

777: Queen Bee.

677: Master of the World.

667: Scarlet Woman.

676: His Own Self.

666: Wizard.

665: Master of the Temple.

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